Dear Loved Ones,
I sincerely hope your holiday season was filled with LOVE and HAPPINESS!
Hold those feelings as we embark on building a better semester.
My dear father passed in November and the holiday season provided a nice distraction and sense of joy during that difficult time. Of course, grief is an ongoing process, but we push forward with our scars and while we heal. Right? Right.
Onward and Upward...
Every semester is a fresh start for me too. I examine the strategies and work to revise the ways in which I provide them. I've made a few changes for this semester:
I will publish 2-3 strategy blogs at the beginning of each month. This gives all subscribers the opportunity to pick and choose strategies as the month unfolds.
A monthly email notification will be sent out at the beginning of the month (instead of weekly) to all subscribers.
I've created The Predict & Plan Guide (below), as a free download, to give a month by month guide as to how we use the Semester Lifecycle to build a better semester.
I've got a couple other resources in the works, including weekly guidance emails and strategy bundles.
Welcome To The Strong Start Phase
Predict: Expect a strong start, but don't expect it to last.
Focus: We will take advantage of teh positively proactive mood while it lasts this month. The strong start phase is a bit shorter during the second semester. After all, there isn't quite as much newness to stimulate the brain into high function, as there was the first semester.
First, grab a copy of the Predict & Plan Guide to keep your eye on the long game this semester. This will also subscribe you to the monthly blog notifications.
Consider swapping out some common school supplies for ones that are a bit more neurodivergent.
Take a look at your homework zone set up to see if it could be optimized a bit more for your unique learner.
Jump on the opportunity to establish an after school check in ritual. Do this when ther is hardly anything to talk about. It's much easier to set up the routine this way. Do not wait until things get tough (and emotional).
Stay tuned, as three more strategies will be published next month. Consider subscribing to this blog so that you don't miss it. :)
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Consider grabbing the free Predict and Plan Guide below for predictions and guides on every month of the semester.