Cristin Mullen, LPC
Strong Start
Strategy Series
August, 2024
Struggling students thrive within adventure, the new and the novel of discovering answers to their many (many) curiosities. “What will it be like? Who will be with me? What will we do? I am going to be so awesome at it this time.“
Our students are happily energized, full of sincere promises, and focused. They are activated. The activation, stimulates their frontal cortex, causing their, executive functions to buzz along, at the highest level of function that it will be the entire semester.
Week 1
How To Support The Strong Start
​We use the Semester Lifecycle to plan for the predictable.
Modify the workplace to enhance focus.
Establishing a daily check in ritual.
Begin a grade report meeting routine.
Week 2
Top 5 Parts of a Focused Workspace
​When it comes to struggling students, a focused workspace is less about sound and distractions, and much more about sensory soothers and activators. The best approach is to provide lots of opportunities to try different strategies, and then talk about whether the strategies were helpful or not.
Week 3
​Checking in With Struggling Students
Establish the ritual of remembering
Activate hindsight and working memory
Name it, stop point, and repeat.
Step-by-step guide
Pro tips
Week 4
How To Catch Falling Grades Before They Crash
Let’s approach reviewing grades with less conflict. This is not about discipline, this is about teamwork. Before any discussion about grades, firmly position yourself on your child’s team. Your role is to help, not motivate.
Includes a step-by-step guide and pro tips.